HEALING YOUR INNER CHILD, Transformative Healing for Every Aspect of You (LIVE)

In Person Workshop

HEALING YOUR INNER CHILD, Transformative Healing for Every Aspect of You (In Person)

The Inner Child is part of your internal world, working with your primary developmental stages, which is recognized across many disciplines; modern day psychology, psychotherapy, personal growth, spiritual healing and ancient spiritual practices.

Often, we carry wounds and trauma from birth and childhood with us into adulthood and these wounds play out in habit patterns, beliefs, thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve you, trapping you in repeated loops that you continually deny your ability to be free from past wounds.

Inner child work is a powerful integration tool that is universal, compatible with all daily practices, enhancing healing potential without restriction or limitation. Participants from these workshops have mentioned additional insights from their current practices, expansive life improvements and profound healing towards wholeness.

This workshop approach is based on IFS Internal Family System methodologies to help you heal and free yourself from past wounds:

Wounded Child ➠ Adaptive Child ➠ Wise Adult Integration ➠

Inner Child Healing ➠ Transformational Healing ➠ Self-Discovery Exercises ➠
Emotional Resilience ➠  Authenticity Journey ➠ Self-Love  ➠ Empowerment Series ➠

Growing up in a sociocultural landscape shaped by patriarchy, religious and institutional injustices coupled with limited resources, leaves a deep-seated inner child trauma that leads to feelings of shame, inferiority unworthiness and these experiences lead to a diminished sense of self and low worth.

Emotional neglect overshadows the need for care and support, and perpetuates a sense of helplessness, powerlessness, and limited possibilities, which can manifest in complex ways, such as fear of scarcity, difficulty trusting others, or a persistent sense of anxiety and hypervigilance.

These survival-based patterns usually persist into adulthood, hindering personal and professional growth, and a sense of self. In addition, the intergenerational cycles of destruct /rebuild (wars, natural calamities) exacerbates the impact on the inner child. This workshop provides a transformative path to healing these deep-seated wounds.  

Save your Spot NOW, because Seats are Limited!

Healing Your Inner Child - In Person 3 part Workshop

This 3 part workshop is spaced 1 (one) week apart to give you time to process and integrate each part; this is highly beneficial to you.  Then next week we meet online for follow-up and self-reflection.


Healing the Wounded Child


Nurturing the Adaptive Child 


Integrating the Wise Adult


Follow-Up Reflection

Embrace Your Inner Child: 

Transformative Healing for Every Aspect of Your Inner Child

This transformative healing with 'Embrace Your Inner Child' workshop series is designed for your healing journey to nurture your Wounded child, celebrate the strengths of your Adaptive child, and integrate wisdom with the Wise adult within you. Rediscover joy, resilience, and authenticity in a profound exploration of self-discovery and lasting change.

This transformative experience will guide you through the intricacies of your inner world—nurturing the wounded child, celebrating the strengths of the adaptive child, and integrating wisdom with the wise adult within you.

Each part of the workshop is meticulously crafted based on methodologies of IFS Internal Family Systems to bring about lasting change, empowering you to embrace your authentic self.  

What will You Gain?

•➕   Tools for self-nurturing and emotional resilience.
•➕  Insight into your adaptive qualities and how they contribute to your well-being.
•➕   Greater self-acceptance and compassion for your adaptive child.
•➕  Understand your adaptive qualities and strengths.
•➕   Reconnect with the child within and nurture your adaptive nature.
•➕   Develop resilience and a deeper understanding of your adaptive responses.
•➕   Cultivate self-compassion and foster a sense of inner peace.
•➕   Connection with your inner wisdom and authentic self.
•➕   Tools for healing wounds and integrating wisdom into your daily choices.
•➕   Increased self-love, compassion, and a stronger sense of authenticity.


➞ Inner child work is not a luxury; it's a necessity for those who have experienced the oppressive dynamics of a patriarchal hierarchy in poverty cultures. It offers a pathway to liberation, empowerment, and the reclamation of your authentic self.

➞ Through inner child work, you will dive gently into your past hurts, unraveling the layers of conditioning that have influenced your beliefs, behaviors, and self-worth. You will uncover the roots of societal and familial patterns that have kept you bound in limited roles and expectations.

➞ This powerful process allows you to heal the wounds inflicted by a patriarchal hierarchy and poverty culture, giving you the tools to challenge and transcend these limitations.

➞ You will reclaim your voice, your autonomy, and your right to thrive. Inner child work helps you cultivate self-compassion, self-love, and self-empowerment. By nurturing and reparenting your inner child, you will develop a new relationship with yourself—one built on kindness, acceptance, and resilience.

➞ As you integrate your inner child into your adult self, you will rediscover your innate strengths, passions, and dreams that may have been suppressed by societal norms. You will gain the confidence to challenge oppressive systems, rewrite your narrative, and create a life that aligns with your authentic desires. 

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Part 1: Healing the Wounded Child

Healing the wounded child is a process that requires great sensitivity and a safe environment. While a one-day workshop might not be sufficient for everybody for a complete healing journey, everyone will be inspired by the healing and guidance. Through this process, the wounded child can be transformed into a more empowered and resilient part of The Self, becoming more capable of self-regulation and healthy expression of emotions. This will lead to greater emotional well-being and overall life satisfaction.

In this workshop, we address your inner child, guiding you on a journey of healing and empowerment, in a safe space were your qualities are celebrated and nurtured.

Why You Must Attend:

Here's why you must join:
+  Unlock Freedom from the Past:
+  Break free from the chains of old wounds and traumas that have lingered in the shadows.

This workshop is your path to liberation.
+  Embrace Emotional Freedom:
+  Discover how healing the wounded child within leads to emotional freedom.

It's time to reclaim your joy and live life fully.
+  Forge Empowering Connections:
+  Uncover the impact of past wounds on your relationships and learn strategies to cultivate healthier connections.  

What are the characteristics of the Wounded child:

A wounded child who has not had the opportunity to heal and process their childhood traumas may experience a range of difficult emotions as an adult, including:
  Fear: a feeling of anxiety and apprehension about potential threats and danger
  Shame: a sense of feeling flawed, unworthy, or inferior
  Anger: a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility, often resulting from unresolved hurt or frustration
  Guilt: a sense of remorse or regret for past actions or mistakes
  Sadness: a feeling of sorrow or despair, often accompanied by a sense of hopelessness or helplessness
  Anxiety: a feeling of unease or nervousness, often resulting from a sense of uncertainty or potential threat
  Depression: a persistent feeling of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness that can interfere with daily life
  Jealousy: a feeling of envy or resentment toward others who have what one desires or feels they lack
  Insecurity: a sense of doubt or uncertainty about one's worth or abilities
  Loneliness: a feeling of isolation or disconnection from others, often resulting from a lack of meaningful relationships
  Self-doubt: a lack of confidence in one's abilities or worth, often resulting from past negative experiences or criticism
  Helplessness: a feeling of powerlessness or inability to control one's circumstances
  Rejection: a feeling of being unwanted or unaccepted by others
  Betrayal: a feeling of being let down or deceived by someone one trusted
  Despair: a sense of hopelessness or utter loss of faith in oneself or the future.

It's important to note that everyone experiences a range of emotions throughout their life, and experiencing any of these emotions does not mean that someone is "wounded" or inherently flawed. However, if someone is consistently struggling with difficult emotions and having trouble functioning in their daily life, it may be helpful to seek professional support to work through these feelings and heal from past traumas.  

What You Will Gain:

In this transformative workshop, you will embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. Through carefully designed activities and guided introspection, you will gain:

  Emotional Liberation: Release the emotional burdens carried from past wounds, freeing yourself from their lingering impact on your present.

  Self-Compassion: Develop a profound sense of self-compassion as you understand and nurture the wounded child within you, fostering a gentler relationship with yourself.

  Empowered Decision-Making: Acquire tools to make decisions from a place of emotional clarity, breaking free from patterns rooted in past wounds and embracing a future guided by your authentic self.

  Healthy Relationships: Explore the impact of past wounds on your relationships and learn strategies to cultivate healthier connections, fostering a more fulfilling social and personal life.

  Renewed Joy: Rediscover the joy and spontaneity that may have been overshadowed by past wounds, allowing yourself to experience life with renewed enthusiasm.

As you engage in this workshop, you will not only understand the origins of your emotional landscape but also gain practical tools to navigate life with resilience, compassion, and a deep connection to your authentic self.  


"Initially, I doubted if revisiting the past would bring any real change. But this workshop wasn't about dwelling on pain; it was about understanding and moving beyond it. The healing was profound."
– Maria

"I wasn't sure if healing old wounds was possible, but the practical tools provided here surprised me. It's not just a feel-good session; it's a roadmap to genuine transformation."
- Michael

"I used to avoid conflict, afraid of standing up for myself. Through this workshop, I found the strength to assert my needs gracefully. Now, I navigate challenges with a newfound resilience, honoring my voice and standing up for my beliefs."
- Daniela

"As a parent, the workshop has been a revelation. I've become more present for my children, breaking free from the patterns I inherited. Our home is now filled with laughter, understanding, and a profound sense of connection that I never thought possible."
- Simona

"Before the workshop, I carried the weight of past wounds into my professional life. The healing journey allowed me to release those burdens, and now, I approach work with a renewed sense of confidence. I've taken on leadership roles I once thought were beyond my reach."
- Alex

"Healing my wounded child has transformed how I relate to others. I've learned to communicate more openly and empathetically. My relationships have deepened, both personally and professionally, fostering a more harmonious and supportive environment."
- Laura

Part 2: Nurturing the Adaptive Child

The adaptive child part can manifest in different ways, depending on the individual's life experiences. For example, an adaptive child part may be developed in response to a chaotic or unpredictable environment and may exhibit behaviors such as hyper-vigilance or control-seeking as a way of maintaining a sense of safety and stability.
Step into a safe space where your adaptive qualities are celebrated and nurtured.

Why You Must Attend:

Here's why this workshop is essential:
+  Discover Your Strengths
+  Unearth the unique strengths within your adaptive self.

It's time to celebrate the qualities that make you resilient.
+  Cultivate Resilience
+  Learn practical tools for navigating life's challenges with grace and strength.

This workshop is your toolkit for emotional resilience.
+  Foster Self-Compassion
+  Develop a compassionate relationship with your adaptive child. It's about embracing imperfections and cultivating self-love.

Workshop 1: Healing the Wounded Child

What are the characteristics of the Adaptive child:

The emotional experiences of an adapted child can vary based on their individual circumstances, coping mechanisms, and support systems. Here are some emotions that an adapted child might experience:

  Adaptation Stress: The process of adaptation itself can be stressful, leading to a mix of emotions as the child adjusts to new environments, relationships, and expectations.
  Over-Resilience: Over time, adapted children may develop resilience— the ability to bounce back from challenges and adversity.
  Anxiety: The uncertainty associated with adaptation can lead to feelings of anxiety about fitting in, making new friends, or meeting expectations.
  Loneliness: Especially if the adaptation involves being away from familiar surroundings and loved ones, the child might experience loneliness.
  Adaptation Confusion: Adapting to new cultures, societal norms, or educational systems can be confusing, leading to a mix of emotions.
  Frustration: Difficulties in adaptation may lead to frustration, especially if the child faces language barriers or encounters cultural differences.
  Pride: Achieving milestones and successfully adapting can lead to a sense of accomplishment and pride.
  Curiosity: A desire to learn and understand environment (both healthy and unhealthy), culture, and people.
  Friendship: Constantly forming new connections and friendships for a source of joy and fulfillment.
  Grief: There may be a sense of loss associated with leaving behind familiar places, friends, or aspects of their previous life.
  Independence: Successfully adapting may foster a sense of to much independence and self-reliance.

The emotional experiences of adapted children are highly individual, and not all may experience the same range of emotions. Adequate support, understanding, and positive experiences can greatly influence the emotional well-being of a child going through the process of adaptation.

What You Will Gain:

 In this enriching workshop, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and celebration of your unique strengths. By actively engaging with the content, you'll gain:

  Self-Nurturing Practices: Learn and practice self-nurturing techniques that honor and celebrate your adaptive child, fostering a sense of self-compassion and well-being.

  Self-Appreciation: Develop a profound appreciation for your adaptive qualities, recognizing them as strengths that contribute to your resilience and unique character.
  Practical Resilience Tools: Acquire practical tools for navigating life's challenges with resilience, allowing you to respond to stressors with grace and strength.
  Emotional Insight: Gain deep insights into your adaptive responses, understanding how these qualities have been instrumental in shaping your journey.

  Authentic Self-Expression: Embrace the freedom to express your authentic self, unburdened by societal expectations, and step into the world with confidence.

As you engage in this workshop, you will not only uncover the unique strengths of your adaptive child but also acquire the tools to nurture and celebrate these qualities, leading to a more resilient, empowered, and authentic version of yourself.


 "I wasn't sure if embracing my adaptive self would make a difference, but the insights gained here transformed the way I view myself. It's empowering to embrace these qualities."
– Michael

 "Initially, I thought it might be about changing who I am. Instead, this workshop showed me it's about understanding and celebrating my unique strengths. It's a practical guide, not just abstract concepts."
- Maria

 "Standing up for myself used to be a challenge, but now, I draw upon my adaptive strengths. I've set clear boundaries, communicated my needs assertively, and the impact on my personal and professional life has been nothing short of transformative."
- Daniela

 "Embracing my adaptive child has made me more understanding in my relationships. I've become a better partner, able to navigate the ebbs and flows with grace. This adaptability has created a stronger, more resilient foundation for my relationships."
- Laura

 "Discovering and nurturing my adaptive qualities has been a game-changer in my career. I've learned to adapt to challenges seamlessly, turning them into opportunities. This resilience has not only advanced my career but has also made me a trusted leader in my workplace."
– Alex

 "Parenting became more joyful as I tapped into my adaptive qualities. I now approach challenges with a sense of playfulness, fostering a home environment where my family feels supported, loved, and free to be themselves."
- Simona

Part 3: Integrating The Wise Adult

The Wise Adult can be thought of as a resource for the individual, providing a sense of clarity, perspective, and insight. This part of the psyche can be accessed through self-exploration and mindfulness practices and can be cultivated over time through intentional effort. This workshop invites the wise adult in you to step forward, integrating wisdom into every aspect of your life:

Why You Must Attend:

This workshop is your guide to conscious choices.
+  Connect with Inner Wisdom:
+  Delve into your inner wisdom and make decisions from a place of deep understanding.  

+  Heal and Integrate: •Heal wounds from the past and integrate your wisdom into daily life. It's about reclaiming your authenticity and living from a place of self-love.
+  Practical Tools for Daily Life:
+  Gain practical tools to integrate your wisdom into daily choices and actions.This workshop is not just theoretical; it's a roadmap for real-life transformation.  

Workshop 2: Nurturing the Adaptive Child

What are the characteristics of the Wise adult?

A wise adult who has gained knowledge and experience over their lifetime may experience a range of positive emotions, including:  

  Confidence: a belief in one's abilities and worth, often resulting from past successes and experiences 
  Patience: the ability to endure challenges and setbacks with calmness and tolerance 
  Mindfulness: the ability to be present in the moment and fully engage with one's experiences 
 Humility: a sense of modesty and a lack of arrogance or conceit
  Creativity: the ability to think outside the box and approach challenges in innovative ways 
  Purpose: a sense of meaning and direction in one's life, a sense of contribution to something greater than oneself.
  Gratitude: a sense of appreciation for the people and experiences in one's life
  Contentment: a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment with one's life
  Compassion: a deep sense of empathy and concern for others
  Wisdom: a sense of insight and understanding about oneself and the world around them
 Joy: a feeling of happiness and pleasure, often stemming from a sense of purpose and fulfillment
  Serenity: a sense of calmness and peacefulness, often resulting from a sense of acceptance and understanding
 Resilience: the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges with grace and strength

It's important to note that no one is wise all the time and that wisdom is a process that requires ongoing learning and growth. However, developing these positive emotions can contribute to greater well-being and fulfillment in life.

What You Will Gain:

As you actively engage with the content, you'll gain:

  Practical Tools for Daily Integration: Acquire practical tools and strategies for integrating your newfound wisdom into your daily choices and actions, promoting authenticity and alignment.

  Authentic Decision-Making: Make decisions from a place of deep understanding, embracing authenticity and wisdom as guiding principles in your life.

  Connection with Inner Wisdom: Establish a profound connection with your inner wisdom, tapping into a well of insights and clarity that guides your decisions and actions.

Engage in this workshop to not only connect with your inner wisdom but to also integrate this wisdom into your daily life, paving the way for a journey of authenticity, self-love, and empowered decision-making.  


"I questioned if 'inner wisdom' could be taught, but the practical insights gained here surprised me. It's not about wishful thinking; it's about tangible changes in daily life."

"Initially, the 'healing' part made me wonder if it was just a feel-good session. But the depth of understanding and practical tools provided in this workshop went beyond my expectations. It's a journey, not a quick fix." 
– Laura

"Integrating wisdom into my work life has elevated my decision-making. I now approach challenges with a clarity that was once elusive. This wisdom has not only made me a more effective leader but has also inspired a positive shift in the workplace culture."
- Alex

"Wisdom has brought a depth to my relationships that I didn't know was possible. I approach conflicts with a calm understanding, fostering healthier connections. This integration has created a ripple effect, transforming not just my relationships but those around me."
- Michael

"My family has benefited immensely from the wisdom I've gained. I navigate parenting challenges with patience and a long-term perspective. This integration has brought a sense of calm and resilience to our family dynamics."
- Simona

"I now stand up for myself with a quiet strength, rooted in deep understanding. The impact on my confidence and ability to navigate life's challenges has been profound. Integrating wisdom into my self-expression has been imnensely empowering."
- Daniela

How do I Register:

•  Visit our website at CreatingEase.Org
•  Click on the "Class" Top Menu section to learn more about each offering.
•  Enroll to Secure your spot and embark on a transformative journey towards embracing your inner child.
•  Contact Us: •Email: creating.ease at outlook  •Phone: +1312 2818855
•  Follow us on social media: Facebook.com/CreatingEase
•  Join my Facebook Group for updates!

What will I need to Participate?

Enroll Now to Secure your spot, Seats are Limited in order to personally address each individual.

What you need to Have Available:

1. Writing apparatus (pen and journal)
2. Your preferred snack (you can choose something positive from your childhood)
3. Pillow and Small Blanket /Additional Layers
4. Eye mask or something to cover your eyes
5. Earphones – wired or wireless  
6. Laptop / Tablet (I might change this, please check with me before)

a. Space to lay down and also move
b. Private and comfortable space to sit
d. Laptop / Tablet
e. Access to power outlet
f. Good Internet /WiFi Access

This 3 part workshop is spaced 1 (one) week apart to give you time to process and integrate each part; this is highly beneficial to you.  Then next week we meet online for follow-up and self-reflection.

Part 1

Healing the Wounded Child

Part 2

Nurturing the Adaptive Child 

Part 3

Integrating the Wise Adult


Follow-Up Reflection

    2 payments of

    $497 USD

    every 2 weeks

    Wounded Child + Adaptive Child + The Wise Adult

  • Secure your Spot Now

Save your Spot Now, Seats are Limited
This Pre-Release Pricing Expires Soon


Carmen Sauciuc

Carmen Sauciuc is the creator of FeelFulness® Feel a Feeling by Choice, building on the wonderful work of Dr. Carl Jung: Individuation, Dr. William James: Functionalism, Dr. Milton Erickson: Tailoring & Utilization, and Dr. Martin Seligman: Maximizing Human Potential, Applied Positive Psychology. 

Feelfulness® is a practice designed to help you generate specific states of being and develop or modify your traits. It takes the concept of mindfulness to even greater depths by allowing you to become aware of your emotional states and then modify or influence it positively, all made possible by the incredible power of neuroplasticity. Feelfulness® -Feel a Feeling by Choice- employs methods where a feeling /emotion is experienced in anticipation by using unique linguistic elements such as evocators, movers, and descriptors arranged in triplicates, to evoke an experience in which you can cultivate a positive psychological state and develop new or modify existing personality traits.

Carmen Sauciuc is board certified by American Board of Hypnotherapy, International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapists, International Association of Counselor and Therapists, American Board of NeuroLinguistics, trained with the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, is a Contemporary Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher and designs thought-feeling® practices as Feelfulness® techniques for both therapeutic purpose, peak performance or mastery.

Carmen Sauciuc coined the term “Feelfulness®” in 2011. A Mensa member and an international best-selling author Carmen professes “all it takes is willingness.”

If mindfulness is a state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, calmly accepting your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, Carmen teaches you how to achieve a higher state of Feelfulness by choosing the thought-feelings® desired, generating that state and using it both as a therapeutic technique, peak performance or mastery.

Deliberately practicing chosen thought-feelings on a regular basis provides a significant tangible shift in your state of being. The verb To Be is an example of a state verb which relates to the state of being. In other words, if you ARE, then you are in the State of Being.

The masterful self never entertains a feeling which does not contribute to a desired achievable outcome. This is the secret of Mastery.

What will be Provided?

This workshop approach is based on IFS Internal Family System ideologies to help you heal and free yourself from past wounds.

The workshop contains written exercises and guided meditations, visualization, slight regressions, ceremonial healing, all held within a very safe space.

The workshop is tailored to meet individual circumstances and needs, paced accordingly, with time for reflecting on your experiences.

A special follow-up session is added one week later to further guide your integration process and offer further guidance and support.

All materials are provided and you will receive:

•➕  very safe nurturing space
•➕  the Oath of Confidentiality Agreement

•➕  a participant booklet,
•➕  access to a private online portal, which contains digital copies of the booklet,
•➕  self-reflection exercises,
•➕  a space for you to keep notes and
•➕  take home positive psychology exercises assignments

•➕ 1 (0ne) year long of Self Reflection exercises with Positive Affirmations delivered straight to your inbox and also available online in your account, you can access form any device.  

Upon completion of an Inner Child Workshop, a period of integration and mindfulness practice is recommended during which my support and follow-up guidance is continued. A special follow-up session is added one week later to further guide your integration process. In addition I offer additional follow up sessions, both online and face to face, which provide supporting feedback, suggestion of new techniques and help in continuing to integrate towards your well-being goals.

Enroll Now to Secure your spot

➕ This Inner child work is not a luxury; it's a necessity for those who have experienced the oppressive dynamics of a patriarchal hierarchy in poverty cultures.

➕ It offers a pathway to liberation, empowerment, and the reclamation of your authentic self.  

➕ Through inner child work, you will dive deep into your past, unraveling the layers of conditioning that have influenced your ➕ beliefs, behaviors, and self-worth.

➕ You will uncover the roots of societal and familial patterns that have kept you bound in limited roles and expectations.  

➕ This powerful process allows you to heal the wounds inflicted by a patriarchal hierarchy and poverty culture, giving you the tools to challenge and transcend these limitations.  

➕ You will reclaim your voice, your autonomy, and your right to thrive. Inner child work helps you cultivate self-compassion, self-love, and self-empowerment.

➕ By nurturing and reparenting your inner child, you will develop a new relationship with yourself—one built on kindness, acceptance, and resilience.  

➕ As you integrate your inner child into your adult self, you will rediscover your innate strengths, passions, and dreams that may have been suppressed by societal norms.

➕ You will gain the confidence to challenge oppressive systems, rewrite your narrative, and create a life that aligns with your authentic desires.

ENROLL NOW to Secure your spot

I am not, nor do I claim to be a medical professional.  If you are having suicidal thoughts, please use these resources:  
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Textline: text “HOME” to 741741
Online Crisis Chat: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/

    2 payments of

    $497 USD

    every 2 weeks

    Wounded Child + Adaptive Child + The Wise Adult

  • Secure your Spot Now

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