Applied Emotional Intelligence CreatingEase Model 1: The 5 Thought-Feeling Practices

Guided Thought-Feeling Practices: Basic human Needs to Elevate your Emotional Intelligence through Experience

The sessions work so well. I became (more) full of life, I am also very confident, calm and happy even if I’m tired and have a lot of work to do.  I noticed that I am even more playful.  I play with children and we are happy.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Eugenia C.
The Orchid Co.

 The exercises come in handy throughout the day. I’m having to navigate difficult conversations throughout the day. I’m feeling very capable and I have the tools and the inner strength to self-advocate and advocate for others.

Adrian P.
Software Developer

 I feel more confident and know how to address situations (but I’m also open to other’s ideas) and I have an improved focus with tons of details at work but also  in life direction and I just know what to do.

Tina S.

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    Applied Emotional Intelligence CreatingEase Model 1: The 5 Thought-Feeling Practices $12 USD
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    Emotional Intelligence 3 Day Challenge

    What does emotional intelligence do for me ? 1. It helps me to feel comfortable around people who are different than me. 2. It helps me stay calm when unexpected things happen 3. It helps me see things from other people's perspectives 4. It helps me make better choices 5. It helps me adapt and deal with change 6. It helps me respond and adapt to feedback 7. It helps me develop better relationships

    $127 USD

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