Transformational Leadership

Personal & Professional Development

Practitioners . Coaches . Mentors . Entrepreneurs

Transform within from Skillful to Fully Confident to Peak Performance to Mastery in 60 days or less!

Leaders, as practitioners, coaches, mentors or entrepreneurs, need to create a clear vision that empowers and inspires change with their clients /team members.

“Great” practitioners and leaders are frequently looking for fresh ways to motivate their clients /team, influence effectively and create a supportive atmosphere.  

  •   1. What constitutes great leadership? Transformational leaders as those who engage with their group of people  such that they “elevate each other to higher levels of motivation and morality.” 
  • 2. How do they achieve this? By embodying an inspiring vision in order to motivate clients /team to work on shared goals that transcend their self-interest. 
  • 3. Why is transformational leadership important?  A transformational leader has strategic decision-making capabilities through which they can adapt a client /team to rapidly changing environment. 

Emotions are powerful and harnessing the power of emotional intelligence at work is one of the most pivotal skills of the future.

Blending Functional Positive Psychology, Attention Allocation, Indigenous Wisdom, Mindfulness  with Ericksonian Techniques, you will

  •  1. Re-Direct your Stream of thoughts (thought management)
  • 2. Shift your Mindset (emotional intelligence) 
  • 3. Generate a Desired State (feel a feeling by choice) 
  • 4.  beneficially Register (neuroplasticity) in your Muscle Memory (automatic habits), because
  • 5. your Automatic Habits determine Quality of your Life and the Rate of your Success!

I am not here reciting what I've read, but I am expressing what I have observed that works wonders, and building on the work of Carl Jung the father of analytical psychology, William James, the father of Functional Psychology, Milton Erickson, the father of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, and Martin Seligman the father of Positive Psychology.

With my UNIQUE mix of expertise I am here to give you the Tools you need to gain Top Functional EIQ Skills to enhance whatever you do, that you can do better.

  •  1. Re-Direct your Stream of thoughts (thought management) 
  • 2. Shift your Mindset (emotional intelligence, mindfulness) 
  • 3. Generate a Desired State (feel a feeling by choice) 
  • 4.  beneficially Register (neuroplasticity) in your Muscle Memory (automatic habits), because
  • 5. your Automatic Habits determine Quality of your Life and the Rate of your Success!
= Feelfulness ®

Carl Jung founded the analytical psychology movement and is known for the collective unconscious, archetypes and individuation.
Jung found that there is a collective unconscious all people share and helped people better understand their unconscious mind.
During the last thirty years of his life, Jung embraced Alchemy as a crucial component of his research in psychology. He found in alchemy a perfect symbiosis of ideas and images that matched his own understanding of the complexity of the psyche, affirming his beliefs regarding the unconscious's drive and direction.
Alchemy seeks to transform the lead of the unconscious  into the gold of wisdom, liberating your soul. The alchemists understood the connection between the anima and the soul - “the innermost and most secret numinous of human.”

In 1998, Martin Seligman strongly encouraged the field of psychology to widen its scope and move beyond human problems and pathology to human flourishing.  

Rather than merely focusing on what is wrong with people and fixing their problems, the focus should also be on what is right with people and boosting their strengths.

Born in 1942, Seligman is credited as the father of Positive Psychology and its efforts to scientifically explore human potential.

1. positive emotion
2. engagement
3. relationships
4. meaning
5. achievement

Milton Erickson's clinical practice conveyed an extremely advanced and nuanced understanding of the human mind that modern science continues to validate to this day in realation to individual’s unconscious minds.  

But far more importantly, he understood the value of intelligently and creatively acting on this knowledge, and as a result pioneered effective novel approaches to activate the healing potential of the continuously intelligent and creative unconscious’ of his patients.

1. how the unconscious mind works
2. indirect, permissive and interspersal techniques
3. brief therapy, neuro-linguistic programming
4. observation skills, validation, cultivation, and challenge
5. applying tailoring, utilization, strategic, competency, naturalistic methods

William James the father of Functional Psychology was interested in the study of optimal human functioning and considered subjective experience as highly important.

He believed that to maximize human potential, we must gain insight into both the limits of human energy and the ways to stimulate and optimally use this energy.

Some have argued that William James should be considered “America’s first positive psychologist.

1. how mental processes work
2. helping organism adapt to their environment
3. the purpose of behavior process
4. introspection & observation
5. evolution

Leaders, practitioners, professionals. coaches or mentors, create a clear vision that empowers and inspires change with their clients /team members.  “Great” leaders are and practitioners frequently looking for fresh ways to motivate their clients /team, influence effectively and create a supportive atmosphere.  



Double your Functional Emotional Intelligence Skills

Recognizing and Increasing your Levels of Emotional Intelligence Quotient may be more important to your life than that of your general intelligence.  

Learn how to Heighten your Awareness, Improve your Understanding of emotional patterns and how to Change them when they do not lead to your intended result.


Feel a Feeling by Choice

Increasing Awareness we already know how to do.  

But Feeling a Feeling by Choice when we need to Change an emotion that does not lead to a fulfilled life, is a completely different skill-set.  

Not only will you learn to ensure you are never "over-run" by emotions but you will learn hoe to GENERATE a FEELING that will lead to an Emotion.


Generate States of Being

Effortlessly Generating a State for your clients begins  with mastering Generating a Feeling that Leads to a State, having a clear discernment over the similarities and differences over the emoti-flavors between various states of being( not just state of mind).    

Once mastered, your generated state can be made available or transferred so-to-speak to your client or an audience (colleagues, family, or group of people). 

  • 1. MOTIVATION:  High EIQ translates to better control of your motivation, and perhaps even more motivation for your clients!
  • 2. RAPPORT: High EIQ means you develop a close and harmonious relationship, mutual understanding, agreement and empathy to communicate well with you client.
  • 3. CHANGE: Highly emotionally intelligent people can handle the stress, uncertainty, and anxiety that comes with working with their clients.
  • 4. COMMUNICATION: Clear communication is an indication of emotional intelligence, and it contributes to better relationships, and more effective persuasion and influence of others.
  • 5. LEADERSHIP: Self-leadership, leading others, motivating and influencing your clients, all of these are vital for your clients. 

In the old paradigm they say that leaders are born, not made.  While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity.

More often than not,  simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation requires it!

with Positive Psychology exercises you will

  • focus on the part of your life that needs most attention right now,
  • to find out what is most important to you in this part of your life,
  • and what is needed to move you closer to the life you want.

with Feelfulness (TM) Skills you will

  • Develop Calm Cognitive Dominance in this fast moving world,
  • Transform the Leader within from Skillful 2 Fully Confident 2 Peak Performance 2 Mastery,
  • With unique Skills you're not going to find anywhere else:

Attention Allocation




Generate a State of Being Skills

Feel a Feeling by Choice Skills


Motivation & Goals 

Motivation refers to the psychological processes responsible for initiating and continuing goal-directed behaviors. A crucial element in attaining one’s objectives is the intensity of motivation experienced at any given time, which is partly dependent on an individual’s ability to generate mental images of their future selves.
The mental representation someone has of a possible future self will positively influence the motivational factors needed to attain specific goals.

One way to get this momentum started is to introduce creative approaches, such as guided imagery and visualization, powerful techniques to envision what one can achieve.

Inner Critic

Many clients believe that a harsh, critical voice is needed to mobilize enough motivation. It is a common misconception that self-compassion equals self-pity.

Clients may believe that self-compassion can cause inactivity, passivity, a lack of motivation, or self-indulgence. Research findings suggest that this is not the case. Self-compassion is associated with greater personal initiative to make needed changes in one’s life.

Self-compassion is also positively associated with mastery goals and negatively associated with performance goals.


In traditional psychology, problems tend to be approached with a weakness-focus, meaning that the client and practitioner seek to extract what the client is doing ‘wrong’ to correct and solve the problem at hand.

In positive psychology, a strength-focus is assumed, meaning that the client and practitioner seek to identify what the client is doing ‘right’ in a given situation and how these positive attributes can be utilized to solve the problem.

The value in this approach is that the client views the problem more positively and constructively, which not only buffers against self-criticism but also promotes a growth mindset


Meaning & Values

Mahatma Gandhi once said that happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Regrettably, many people become overwhelmed and entangled in matters that do not align with their values and are largely unaware of the harmful effects of caring about things that, upon closer inspection, simply do not matter.

Caring about things that are not truly valued may prompt over-attachment to the superficial and fake, leading individuals to chase an illusion of happiness and satisfaction.


Self-acceptance refers to the relationship that an individual has with him/herself and is conceptualized as the acceptance of self despite weaknesses or deficiencies.

Many scholars have added the term “unconditional” to the concept of self-acceptance to stress the fact that self-acceptance is not based on self-evaluation against some standard but a relational stance in which the individual accepts him/herself at a very fundamental level.

A person with a high level of self-acceptance does not feel “less” compared to others because of his/her weaknesses and failures and does not feel “better” than others because of his/her strengths and successes. Self-acceptance is the hallmark of a healthy relationship with the self.


Mindfulness practice is the ability to observe thoughts, emotions, and sensations. Rather than being completely immersed in them, individuals learn to see these thoughts, emotions, and sensations as transient states.

Through observing states, one can notice a difference between the states themselves and the person observing them. By entering this observer mode, one can “step outside of one’s immediate experience, thereby changing the very nature of that experience.”  

This process has been referred to as de-centring, re-perceiving , and de-automatization  to help clients enter this observer mode.

This shift in perspective can generate a brief but powerful psychological state in which there is a sense of transcendence and continuity at the same time. One may experience a self that is aware of sensations and thoughts but not defined by these sensations and thoughts.



Feedbackers often worry about hurting the other person’s feelings, coming across as authoritative and not wanting to demotivate or discourage them.

On the other hand, receivers can perceive feedback as personal criticism and a threat to their self-efficacy and self-worth.

Considering emotions and point of view (empathy) of the person receiving the feedback, as an opportunity for growth and learning will instill a sense of hope and faith in the receiver’s capacity for change and improvement (growth mindset).


While developing functional-emotional intelligence skills can assist clients in managing their negative responses to the perceived difficult behavior of others, it is particularly beneficial to negate those negative responses.

To better understand and respond to difficult people, it is important to assess the behaviors that are perceived as problematic and discover the strength behind them.

By looking for the strengths behind difficult behaviors and increasing awareness of negative thinking patterns about a particular person, clients can begin to positively reframe those behaviors in a gentle, honest, and accurate way that offers a fresh perspective.

Feelfulness (TM)

Feelfulness (TM)is the ability to feel a feeling by choice thus generate a desire state.

Through observing current states (thoughts, emotions, sensations), one can notice a difference between elements of various states. By engaging in the observer-choice self, one can “change the immediate experience”  and generate a desired state of being.

Once a state is generated it can be transferred to clients or group of people to influence and motivate client outcome.

Feelfulness is one of the most complex skills to acquire by the most rewarding of all skills to quickly achieve the best possible self.

This is because when you walk firmly in your integrity and your beliefs and behaviors benefit the greatest good is a win-win.


Bonus . Leadership Styles Behavior

  • Addressing or Possibly Resolving your unique Difficulties
  • Flexibility: how free others to feel to innovate unencumbered by red tape 
  • Responsibility: a sense of duty and commitment 
  • Standards: the level of standards they set and adhere to 
  • Rewards: the sense of accuracy about performance 
  • Clarity: the understanding members (clients) have about the organization mission and values 
  • Commitment: the level of dedication to and engagement with a common purpose
  • Mastermind Group

As a practitioner, your thoughts and feelings affect who you become and what you achieve and when you have the power to change them, you gain the power to change your client's state.

Learning how to use the Power of your Thought-Feelings to Feel a Feeling by choice will benefit both therapeutic purpose, peak performance skills or mastery.  
generating States of Being is transformative, unlike any other skills: Guaranteed!

1-on-1 Weekly, min 8 weeks

  •  LIVE online, weekly
  • Choose the module you're most interested in
  • Class Subject and Perspective 
  • Leadership Positive Psychology Exercises 
  • Booklet downloads
  • Thought-Feeling Practices to Gain the Skills at Auto-Pilot 
  • MP3 downloads
  • Personal Reflections with Feedback   

  • Bonus 1: Q&A weekly Live sessions 
  • Bonus 2. Weekly Live Mastermind

I am here to give you both the training AND the support you need to become an effective people helper along with the help you need to grow your business so that you can go on and help others.

Because emotions are powerful and harnessing the power of emotional intelligence is one of the most pivotal skills of the future.


FREE consultation, 30 minutes to get to understand your goals and see if we are a good fit, and to offer you options depending on your goals and budget! 17738176000

with FeelFulness (TM) unique Skills, you will Learn How to Generate States of Being needed in a particular moment for a specific purpose

examples of 

Common Dual States (either/or)

changing to

Complex Flexible (Dynamic) States of BEING

5 EXAMPLE Characteristics and Traits of Transformational Leadership

When it comes to assessing leadership styles, the role played by certain dispositional factors is well demonstrated by successful transformational leaders.

Each trait might predict ratings of transformational leadership behaviors, as follows:  

  • 1. ENTHUSIASM:  a tendency to “convey positive emotions and project optimism and enthusiasm” may account for the link between extraversion and transformational leadership behaviors.  
  • 2. SELF-EFFICACY: transformational leaders are usually high in self-esteem and self-efficacy, while those high in neuroticism tend toward the opposite, given their negatively skewed worldview. 
  • 3. PROACTIVE: openness to new experience; two main aspects of transformational leadership are entertaining new ideas and thinking outside the box. Transformational leaders are more proactive than reactive, finding fresh ideas to help clients.
  •  4. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: the ability to self-manage without needing supervision is the mark of any outstanding leader, especially true of a transformational leader with high levels of internal motivation. 
  • 5. EMPATHY: those with empathic nature often show concern, support, and basic respect for others – all pivotal aspects of transformational leadership.

In the old paradigm they say that leaders are born, not made.  While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity.

More often than not,  simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation requires it!

You will learn how to 

1. neutralize your triggers (emotional reaction)
2. choose your appropriate response, by increase your acuity
3. with detached observation skills,
4. to by-pass your negative patterns.
5. to Feel a Feeling by Choice.

This is the Secret to Mastery!

Lead singers do this very well, but they do not focus on projecting their state unto the audience, 

instead they focus on presenting their Mastery by allowing themselves to feel the feeling of (to "swim" in their mastery) while performing, and this is how they have their fans “under their spell.” 

It's not a "spell," it's FEELFULNESS (TM)!


My name is Carmen Sauciuc, I'm the creator of Feelfulness® with over 12 years of Applied Neuro-Language experience, building on the wonderful work of Dr. Carl Jung: Individuation, Dr. William James: Functionalism and Dr. Milton Erickson: Tailoring & Utilization, through Applied Positive Psychology.

When I first discovered feelfulness’ potential for influence and motivation, my life took a 90-degree turn. This is the reason I authored the book and created this website because feelfulness’ potential for generating a state (feeling a feeling by choice) is unrivaled.

Did I say unrivaled? and exceptionally efficient?

Feelfulness® techniques with Word Triangles through Thought-Feeling practices- are the exact tools you need to become a powerful influencer.

I’ve coined the term "Feelfulness (TM)" in 2011
and I'll show you HOW
1. to unleash the power of your Thought-Feelings with Word Triangles (neuro-language)
2. to re-direct your stream of thoughts (thought management)
3. to shift your mindset (re-pattern) and
4. create a desired consciousness (Generating States of... )
5. to productively Register it (neuroplasticity) in your Muscle Memory (automatic habits).   

 ... for both Therapeutic Purposes, Peak Perfomrance Skills or Mastery.  

 ... Did I say unrivaled? and exceptionally Efficient?  

FREE Consult Before you fully enroll
for you to see if I'm the right person for you,
for me to understand your Leadership / Practitioner needs,
so I can offer you options that work for you,
in a way that is good for you,

Monthly, 1-on-1 Coaching

$347 USD

per month

  • Monthly, 1-on-1 Coaching

Enroll Now

Free Consultation


  • Free Consultation prior to enrollment

    • Free Consultation Prior to Enrollment
    • to See What your Goals Are
    • and if we are a good fit
    • and to offer you options
    • depending on your goals and budget

Level 1

Prerequisite: None
Level 1, on Demand
8 consecutive weeks, 1.5-2 hours per week

Weekly Live Q&A
MasterMind Group, L 1

Level 2

Prerequisite: Level 1
8 consecutive weeks, 2 hours per week

Weekly Live Q&A
MasterMind Group, L 1&2

Level 3

Prerequisite: Level 2
8 consecutive weeks, 2 hours per week

Weekly Live Q&A
MasterMind Group


Prerequisite: Level3

Weekly Live Meetings:

Case Study

Featured in


"Amazingly complex ideas that are presented in an easy-to-read and understand style of writing and presentation! This book will help you learn to consciously generate states of mind using hypnosis techniques, ideas of psychology, ideas from meta-psychology, ideas from neurobiology and thoughts on accessing the higher mind. Oh, and triangles. It's a tour de force of ideas that are directly accessible to anyone, ideas that are not found anywhere else.
Highly recommended."

"These skills come in handy throughout the day. I’m having to navigate difficult conversations throughout the day. I’m feeling very capable and I have the tools and the inner strength to self-advocate and
advocate for my students as well.  

“The most amazing effect from doing this work, totally, incredibly life changing! I find myself not “reacting” to other people’s “stuff” much anymore! I feel wonderful in my body and mind. My relationships have gotten better and easier. My business relationships have improved. And, especially interesting, is that I’m happy without effort!!! Thank you so much, Carmen, for your patience and dedication! This has been one of the most precious experiences in my life. What a gift. Please don’t stop your work!”  
Ania W , USA

"I hope people catch on to what’s happening here with these particular classes because it’s something very special. Unlike any course I’ve encountered so far. Higher-level content. I’m still new but what I can say is, in general, watch/listen to these lessons repeatedly. Let it wash over you and maybe as you do you can enjoy just wondering what it might be like to experience something new, something expansive, the sort of thing that most everyone truly wants at a deeper level. You’ll see, you’ll know."
Christopher J  

"by God that was at least 100% of shared engagement and presence and modeling what it was you were communicating... I thought that was phenomenal it was a whole different level from all the demonstrations I've seen thus far in the intensives... because the danger with a lot of these exercises is that people are putting quite a bit of emotions into trying to tie the technique but you just said the heck with that and you Embodied it and you Were There and that's what I picked up and Felt what you were doing so that was highly impressive stuff, a whole 'nother level ... " JohnFL,

   "I don't think there is enough attention put into thinking about how feelings impact our lives, minute to minute. This is an eye opening experience." NN, USA    
"What I like about you most is that you don't try to change my beliefs but work with it and I really appreciate this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart" EG, USA

“There are many "big-hat coaches" nowadays that claim to have a vast amount of information that can "change your life" and while they may offer phenomenal information that may in-fact alter one's trajectory, I have yet to come across a MENTOR who EXPLAINS in detail the importance of chosen Thoughts and Feelings and how to use them effectively to achieve my results. I applaud you, for your impeccable crystal clear guidance and instruction in this universe of "abstract" and Thank you for your beautiful spirit."  Joy J  

"I can see how being focused from higher mind allows us better and more accurate productivity. The higher mind is more complex. We need to learn to relax and clear our minds. We need to find ways to focus on our inner thoughts. In order to achieve better attention and a more focused mind. We need to become self aware and adapt a new and clearer way of thinking. It's interesting that when you focus on an image how the mind knows how to concentrate better. It's nice to be so relaxed and at ease. Becoming more self aware and being more present is a good skill to have." Nick Y, USA

“In this crazy and quickly moving world, as most of us are, I struggle keeping up with demands, overwhelm, procrastination, lack of energy and focus, skewed self image and lack of confidence. I do not know what kind higher powers this wonderful lady has, but just after few classes, I felt so much mental clarity, focus, energy and was able to do in one day what I was putting off and finding excuses not to do in weeks. Thank you." August K  

Carmen Sauciuc

Carmen Sauciuc is the creator of FeelFulness® Feel a Feeling by Choice, building on the wonderful work of Dr. Carl Jung: Individuation, Dr. William James: Functionalism, Dr. Milton Erickson: Tailoring & Utilization, and Dr. Martin Seligman: Maximizing Human Potential, Applied Positive Psychology. 

Feelfulness® is a practice designed to help you generate specific states of being and develop or modify your traits. It takes the concept of mindfulness to even greater depths by allowing you to become aware of your emotional states and then modify or influence it positively, all made possible by the incredible power of neuroplasticity. Feelfulness® -Feel a Feeling by Choice- employs methods where a feeling /emotion is experienced in anticipation by using unique linguistic elements such as evocators, movers, and descriptors arranged in triplicates, to evoke an experience in which you can cultivate a positive psychological state and develop new or modify existing personality traits.

Carmen Sauciuc is board certified by American Board of Hypnotherapy, International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapists, International Association of Counselor and Therapists, American Board of NeuroLinguistics, trained with the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, is a Contemporary Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher and designs thought-feeling® practices as Feelfulness® techniques for both therapeutic purpose, peak performance or mastery.

Carmen Sauciuc coined the term “Feelfulness®” in 2011. A Mensa member and an international best-selling author Carmen professes “all it takes is willingness.”

If mindfulness is a state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, calmly accepting your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, Carmen teaches you how to achieve a higher state of Feelfulness by choosing the thought-feelings® desired, generating that state and using it both as a therapeutic technique, peak performance or mastery.

Deliberately practicing chosen thought-feelings on a regular basis provides a significant tangible shift in your state of being. The verb To Be is an example of a state verb which relates to the state of being. In other words, if you ARE, then you are in the State of Being.

The masterful self never entertains a feeling which does not contribute to a desired achievable outcome. This is the secret of Mastery.

Course Pricing

Monthly, 1-on-1 Coaching

$347 USD

per month

  • Monthly, 1-on-1 Coaching

Enroll Now

Free Consultation


  • Free Consultation prior to enrollment

    • Free Consultation Prior to Enrollment
    • to See What your Goals Are
    • and if we are a good fit
    • and to offer you options
    • depending on your goals and budget