PAIN MANAGEMENT [sound therapy + hypnosis]

Studies show Hypnosis to be consistently effective in managing pain & chronic pain with the use of suggestions (with Binaural Beat Frequencies)

Self-Hypnosis:  [headphones use only]

This guided self-hypnosis session will help with pain and chronic pain management through the use of suggestions for the competing sensations to aid in autogenic training.

Studies of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic pain have often included instructing patients in self-hypnosis as a way of coping with pain and gaining greater self-control over pain. Scientific studies can be found here:

The download comes in 4 (four) formats:
Track 1. guided voice only - no background music and no binaural beats
Track 2. voice with binaural beat and ambient music, Delta frequency (scroll down for info)
Track 3. voice with binaural beat and ambient music, Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz & Delta 2.5 hz (scroll down for info)
Track 4. voice with binaural beat and ambient music, Solfeggio frequency 417 & Delta 2.5 hz (scroll down for info)

Several human studies show binaural beats be a promising tool in the fight against anxiety, stress, and negative mental states. Binaural beats help induce a meditative (hypnotic) state much more quickly and are said to:
1. reduce anxiety
2. increase focus and concentration
3. lower stress
4. increase relaxation
5. foster positive moods
6. promote creativity
7. help manage pain
8. help immune system

Not enough Delta Brain waves cause issues rejuvenating the body, inability to revitalize the brain, and sleeping difficulties. Optimal brain waves help the immune system, allow for natural healing and restoration, and allow for deep sleep.  Delta waves have been shown to decrease across the lifespan, with most of the decline seen in the mid-forties. Around the age of 75, stage four sleep and delta brain waves may be entirely absent.

Binaural Beats work only with stereo headphones only (both ears).

Track No. 1 - the guided hypnosis voice, no background music and no binaural beats.

Track No. 2 - includes the guided hypnosis voice plus Delta binaural beats range layered with relaxing ambient music. Delta range is provided as 10 minute blocks that each feature a different dominant frequency respective to Delta brainwave pattern: 1st block tone: 3.5 hz - 2nd block tone: 2.5 hz - 3rd block tone: 1.5 hz - 4th block tone: 1.0 hz.  This track is best suited when going to sleep.

Track No. 3 -  includes the guided hypnosis voice plus binaural beat Delta 2.5 Hz layered with relaxing ambient music and added added Solfeggio Frequency 528 Hz associated with a state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest, and being and not being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you.

Track No. 4 -  includes the guided hypnosis voice plus binaural beat Delta 2.5 Hz layered with relaxing ambient music and added Solfeggio Frequency of 417Hz associated with hara and heart having the effects of love and warmth. Binaural Frequency Delta of 2.5 Hz – associated with pain relief, relaxation and the production of endogenous opiates.

Listening to Binaural Beats alone is recommended to be at least three times per week, minimum 15 minutes per session, for 4-6 weeks. You can also listen daily by using it as background music while doing other things (studying, tithing, work, working out, yoga, etc.)

Self-Hypnosis Instructions:
1. Do NOT listen to hypnotic recordings while driving or operating any machinery or appliances.

2. Relax in a comfortable place (away from driving or operating any machinery or appliances), and set a comfortable volume. For best results use headphones. Focus on the recording to the best of your ability while maintaining a passive attitude toward the wandering mind.

3. Most people should listen once each day. Those suffering from stress and anxiety should relax 20-30 minutes twice daily.

4. These recordings are not a form of health care, psychotherapy, or counseling. Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatments or medications. Results may vary from person to person.

Terms and Conditions:
1. Do NOT listen to hypnotic recordings while driving or operating any machinery or appliances.

2. These recordings are not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including psychosis.

3. The information and guidance given by the authors on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. If you are unsure about the suitability of these recordings please consult a medical professional before listening.

© License agreement: You have purchased the right to listen to the recording. They are for personal use only and may not be used by any other party besides yourself. They may not be distributed in any way without permission.

Hypnosis can improve your life.
In hypnosis the unconscious becomes receptive to new thoughts and behaviors. Hypnosis can also access inner resources for creativity, insight and growth. The psychological principle of self-preservation is not eliminated for a person in hypnosis
Hypnosis is a natural state. Everyone experiences trance in moments of daydreaming, intense concentration, and when entering and exiting sleep. In a hypnosis session you achieve a similar state intentionally. You don’t go unconscious, have total amnesia, or surrender control, instead you usually become very deeply relaxed.

Everyone can benefit from hypnosis. If you need to overcome a habit or phobia, reduce anxiety or sadness, increase confidence, self-esteem and self worth, or perform at your best, hypnosis can help you achieve your ideal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

By continuing, you agree to terms and conditions.

Studies of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic pain have often included instructing patients in self-hypnosis as a way of coping with pain and gaining greater self-control over pain 

Carmen Sauciuc

Carmen Sauciuc is the creator of FeelFulness® Feel a Feeling by Choice, building on the wonderful work of Dr. Carl Jung: Individuation, Dr. William James: Functionalism, Dr. Milton Erickson: Tailoring & Utilization, and Dr. Martin Seligman: Maximizing Human Potential, Applied Positive Psychology. 

Feelfulness® is a practice designed to help you generate specific states of being and develop or modify your traits. It takes the concept of mindfulness to even greater depths by allowing you to become aware of your emotional states and then modify or influence it positively, all made possible by the incredible power of neuroplasticity. Feelfulness® -Feel a Feeling by Choice- employs methods where a feeling /emotion is experienced in anticipation by using unique linguistic elements such as evocators, movers, and descriptors arranged in triplicates, to evoke an experience in which you can cultivate a positive psychological state and develop new or modify existing personality traits.

Carmen Sauciuc is board certified by American Board of Hypnotherapy, International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapists, International Association of Counselor and Therapists, American Board of NeuroLinguistics, trained with the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, is a Contemporary Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher and designs thought-feeling® practices as Feelfulness® techniques for both therapeutic purpose, peak performance or mastery.

Carmen Sauciuc coined the term “Feelfulness®” in 2011. A Mensa member and an international best-selling author Carmen professes “all it takes is willingness.”

If mindfulness is a state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, calmly accepting your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, Carmen teaches you how to achieve a higher state of Feelfulness by choosing the thought-feelings® desired, generating that state and using it both as a therapeutic technique, peak performance or mastery.

Deliberately practicing chosen thought-feelings on a regular basis provides a significant tangible shift in your state of being. The verb To Be is an example of a state verb which relates to the state of being. In other words, if you ARE, then you are in the State of Being.

The masterful self never entertains a feeling which does not contribute to a desired achievable outcome. This is the secret of Mastery.


PAIN MANAGEMENT [sound therapy + hypnosis]

$22 USD

  • PAIN AND CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT [sound therapy + hypnosis]

    • 1. guided voice only
    • 2. voice + binaural beat Delta Range frequency +ambient music
    • 3. voice + binaural beat Delta 2.5hz + Solfeggio 528Hz +ambient music
    • 4. voice + binaural beat Delta 2.5hz + Solfeggio 417Hz +ambient music
Buy Now

About Hypnosis

Harmony is the Secret principle that Controls Life

Autogenic training (AT) is a technique that teaches your body to respond to your verbal commands. These commands "tell" your body to relax and help control breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, and body temperature. The goal of AT is to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress.

Autogenic training is a desensitization-relaxation technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz by which a psychophysiologically determined relaxation response is obtained. The technique was first published in 1932. Studying the self-reports of people immersed in a hypnotic state, J.H. Schultz (Wikipedia) noted that physiological changes are accompanied by certain feelings. The technique involves repetitions of visualisations that induce a state of relaxation and is based on passive concentration of bodily perceptions.

Autogenic means something that comes from within you. In the relaxation technique, you use visual imagery and body awareness to reduce stress and pain. In the guided meditation or (self-hypnosis) words or suggestions are used to help your busy mind to relax and reduce muscle tension.

Without regular practice, autogenic training is not likely to have an effect. Therefore, only those people who are motivated and committed to learning it are likely to get any benefit from AT. But for those who master the technique, it works, and it can be an effective treatment for chronic stress and pain.

Autogenic training is contra-indicated for children below the age of 5 and the individuals whose symptoms cannot be controlled.

Autogenic training has different applications and is used in a variety of pathophysiological conditions, such as bronchial asthma or hypertension, as well as psychological disorders e.g. anxiety and depression.

Autogenic training has been subject to clinical evaluation from its early days in Germany, and from the early 1980s worldwide. In 2002, a meta-analysis of 60 studies was published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback,
1. finding significant positive effects of treatment when compared to normals over a number of diagnoses;
2. finding these effects to be similar to best recommended rival therapies; and
3. finding positive additional effects by patients, such as their perceived quality of life.

Autogenic training is recommended in the 2016 European Society of Cardiology Guideline for prevention of cardiovascular disease in persons who experience psychosocial problems.

The International Journal of Dermatology conducted a study and found that Autogenic Training was potentially helpful for improving aged skin in women experiencing menopause. In Japan, researchers from the Tokyo Psychology and Counseling Service Center have formulated a measure for reporting clinical effectiveness of autogenic training. J.H. Wikipedia

Hypnosis Benefits for the mind:
Helps improve attention, focus and concentration
Helps better manage stress
Helps build resilience and flexibility
Helps us make better connections with people
Helps lower anxiety and sadness
Helps with mental energy levels

Hypnosis Benefits for the body:
Helps with pain management
Helps with energy levels
Helps regulate the autonomic nervous system – responsible for fight/flight instinct
Helps create new neural pathways
Helps the immune system

Hypnosis works by overcoming critical faculty barrier for the purpose of establishing acceptable selective thinking, leads you through progressive relaxation, providing soothing imagery and sensations to ease you into accomplishing your goal.

Hypnotherapy helps many people to get rid of stress, anxiety, obesity, headaches and chronic pain, low appetite or uncontrolled appetite, depression, etc.

Hypnotherapy can also help with addiction, cigarettes, alcohol and other substance and can even help with reducing the pain during childbirth.  

From ancient times the Egyptians had the Temple of Sleep, and the Greeks the Healing Altar, places where people were given hypnotic suggestions for the purpose of healing and increased well-being.  

It's is very important to note that  we (therapists) must respect the client's model of the world and their lifestyle and we do not seek to re-direct or influence the client's political, religious, economic or organizational orientations.    

So it's easy to see how we  can help you both in the personal field and in the professional field, because every field of life requires both subjective and objective relationships in context together with self-awareness!    

Harmony is the secret principle that controls life and without which the whole existence would disintegrate. This is THE EASE I've been talking about: harmony in balance.  

These same principles apply to both individual and organizational interpersonal relationships.

Hypnosis Benefits for the mind:
Helps improve attention, focus and concentration
Helps better manage stress
Helps build resilience and flexibility
Helps us make better connections with people
Helps lower anxiety and sadness
Helps with mental energy levels

Hypnosis Benefits for the body:
Helps with pain management
Helps with energy levels
Helps regulate the autonomic nervous system – responsible for fight/flight instinct
Helps create new neural pathways
Helps the immune system

 “Mental Health professionals, have a tendency to impose hypothetical constructs instead of exploring the unique sources of discomfort in each individual… The hypnotherapist, on the other hand, is interested in the nature and location of each individual’s unique discomfort, rather then trying to fit the client into a diagnostic category.” Havens and Walters, Erickson’s remarks.

A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support should also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. … A holistic approach focusses on a person’s wellness and not just their illness or condition.

For inquiry please call us at (312) 281 8855
Hypnosis has gained recognition as being effective for managing pain and for relieving cancer treatment side effects along releasing past trauma and stress-related disorders.

Hypnosis can help with pain after surgery or from migraines or tension headaches or chronic pain. People with pain related conditions like lower back pain, arthritis, cancer, sickle cell disease, and fibromyalgia, may experience relief.

Hypnosis can help you cope with difficulties or pain and gain more self-control over your state of being. Studies indicate that hypnosis can do this very effectively for lasting periods of time. Hypnosis leads you through progressive relaxation, providing soothing imagery and sensations to ease you into accomplishing your goal.

  • Release Past Trauma
  • Aid Physical Healing   
  • Stress /Pain Management  
  • Sleep Better  
  • Quit Smoking  
  • Lose Weight  
  • Healthy Habits  
  • Birthing Assist  
  • Performance Enhancement


We create ease in people’s everyday lives by helping them dismantle thought-patterns that contribute to unhealthy self-sabotaging habits. Our approach is applied positive psychology with a blend of holistic cognitive behavior, focusing on creating a happy stress-free life for clients by enhancing their overall health and well-being and their personal and work relationships.

While you may think of hypnosis as something you see only in the movies, hypnosis is actually used in real life as part of treatment for people with numerous health ailments ranging from depression & anxiety to gastro-intestinal disorders & chronic pain.

We are passionate about maximizing the use of Neuroplasticity so we’ve created several innovative mind-body connection techniques that are not available in conventional instructional methodologies.

These techniques are Designed to solidify your fundamental building blocks of soft skills and increase your capacity to absorb, to gain and retain all the way into the Muscle Memory where the skills can be there possibly forever.

Enhanced cognitive skills in memory, mental focus and observation, allow you to also acquire new emotional and social skills for creating ease in many different areas of your everyday lives.

With NLP we will encourage you to transform limiting beliefs and destructive habits. NLP is made out of the best of the best of Psychology science. NLP techniques are proven to be powerfully effective in changing how you experience the world; since our thoughts and feelings shape your reality, this means that these NLP techniques can actually transform your entire life.

As energy intuitives we can help you get quickly to the core of your difficulties. We start with light hypnosis to bring about self-awareness and initiate a goal-oriented action plan before going into deeper hypnosis. Each session is different, depending on your progress.

We have achieved amazing results by helping people deal with their deep seated trauma, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth, feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness, trauma, chronic pain, health concerns, relationship problems, work-related stress or stress in general.

We are certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy and by the American Board of NLP, along being a Reiki Master Teacher and Tong Ren Practitioner.

Are you ready to enjoy a life of EASE?  
All it takes is willingness and I will show you the way…